What is integrity? The best definition I have is to do the right thing even when no one is around. That means not stealing anything whether or not you will be caught. It means not saying something about someone if you wouldn't say it to their face. It means being the same with someone no matter who is around. It means treating everyone the same, having the same standards for everyone in your life. It means being honest with yourself. It means being intellectually honest even when your most cherished beliefs and philosophies are being challenged.
Integrity is difficult and is mostly absent in American culture. Look at our politics and those in the public eye. Look at yourself and those within your sphere of influence; be honest, how much integrity is exhibited?
The first place to begin instilling a culture of integrity is with yourself. It all has to start with you. You are the prime mover in your sphere of influence. If you can't be honest with yourself you cannot be honest with anyone else. Examine your expressed belief system and whether your actions are in tune with your system. If you believe stealing is wrong are you stealing? Are you stealing time from your employer by not working as you should? Are you stealing financially by not being honest on your taxes. Are you stealing things from stores, neighbors or other citizens? Are you stealing from yourself in the way you are a steward of the things God has placed in your life?
Are you being truthful with yourself and those around you?