Abortion Thoughts

Abortion is making headlines with passage of the new abortion bill by the state of New York allowing an abortion to be performed right up to the moment before birth. It codifies into law as legal that which Dr. Gosnell was sent to prison for performing. It rejects the humanity of that child, and that child is human. The child's DNA proves it is human from the moment of conception.

In my state of Georgia we have a fetal heartbeat bill pending in our legislature and we have Hollywood elites threatening a boycott if the legislation becomes law. I say let them. Georgia is an inexpensive place to film a movie or television show which will not change with the passage of this bill. I am sure there are other actors waiting for a show to display their talent in such productions. Actors and their involvement in politics is a whole other issue I do not wish to get into; but, suffice it to say, they are not whom I seek out for information regarding politics, morals, or ethics.

When sperm meets ova something magical happens that science has yet to explain, and the two become one. An embryo is formed. An embryo does not result from every such encounter. It is why every embryology textbook will tell you life begins at conception.

Justice Blackmun was just plain wrong when he came up with the whole “viability” aspect of his decision and it has led us to place we are now, in some states, a child can be born, actually take a breath, and then be killed or allowed to die from neglect. Democrat senators actually voted to allow this infanticide, the murder of babies.

We have come to a place where the bodies of these murdered children are sold piecemeal to entities for testing. We are selling human body parts. Selling human body parts. This is stuff from Nazi Germany. I just cannot understand what we have become.

I have talked with female friends who have tried to tell me how difficult the decision is for women. I get the emotion because the ladies I have spoken with about this became emotional as we talked. The reasons they give to abort the child are emotional, not fact based. Even so, their quality of life is more important to them than the human life being taken. It is an innocent human life.

It is an innocent human life which never asked to be conceived. The human beings involved in the procreative act which caused the child's conception decided to engage in said act knowing the possible outcome could be a pregnancy. They chose to go down the path which could create an unborn, unique human being, but the child is the one who suffers the death penalty. Just doesn't seem fair. Every human being is equal and has the right to a life. These unborn human beings get no such consideration.




28 August 2018 Truth