More New Year Questions
I have even more questions after the events of the government shutdown and the reasons from both sides and in light of certain facts, not emotional pleas or grandstanding.
Why is it immoral to enforce the existing immigration law which everyone else around the world has to follow? Again isn't it more immoral to tell people to begin a journey of over a thousand miles with inadequate food, water, shelter and medical care knowing they are acting contrary to the laws of their own country as well as all the countries they will have to traverse in their journey and the laws of the United States (the very country whose constitution and laws you took an oath to uphold and defend)?
With United States census data telling us that over 60% of those who have illegally entered the United States of American remain on public assistance after arrival, isn't it immoral to tell American citizens they must support these individual's lifestyles and medical needs with their hard earned living and taking money from these citizens families to do so through taxes they have to pay?
Isn't it immoral to not pass funding for those who are citizens and depend upon government funds in the form of Welfare and SNAP benefits to not enhance border security and to allow individuals who break our laws by entering our country illegally? You would rather allow people to enter illegally, not fund government assistance programs for actual citizens, take care of veterans, or protect this country by constructing an actual barrier to at least slow down the arrival of illegal drugs, those involved in the trafficking of children, or possibly even terrorists?
This is the morality of the present day Democrat Party; not something I can support.