Observations 5 March 2019
What I have seen happening to my country is really causing me worry and concern. We have citizens that seem to believe they are entitled to what someone else has earned. We have citizens who are giving socialism serious consideration. We have citizens who believe it is morally acceptable to allow a child to die after taking a breath. We have citizens who think biology, genetics and physiology can be subordinated to feelings. We still have citizens who think a person's worth is determined by the amount of melanin in their bodies. We should have been long passed these things and aren't. It is a little demoralizing.
Nowhere in the Constitution is there any wordage which can be interpreted to have a meaning whereby I am to fund any part of someone else lifestyle. I am more than willing to contribute to national defense, law enforcement, fire departments, other emergency services, infrastructure construction, primary and secondary education. I am not willing to fund you a cell phone, an able bodied individual who will not work, your post secondary education, child care, subsidize or fully fund your living expenses. There was a time I would, not any longer. I will do all I am able to end all subsidies.
I am not responsible for any past generation's wrongs. I am not willing to take the blame for anything someone else may have done. I cannot apologize for that which I have not done. I refuse to be jealous for what someone else has earned, inherited, or fate has allowed them to acquire. I do not have a legal or moral claim to their assets.
Life is not fair. There will always be differences of circumstance in which each human being finds themselves; we all have to navigate the vicissitudes of life as they are presented to us. Navigation of life is more difficult if I am trying to blame someone else for the position in which I find myself. I will always have it better than some and worse than some. I can only realistically acknowledge my current place in life and move out from there; not as I wish it were but as it is.
Genetically an individual is either male or female. It isn't a choice an individual can make. There are medical reasons you have to come to grips with the gender you are at birth. Some medical treatments are different for the same malady dependent upon your genetic, biologic gender. Your feelings do not enter into this equation. It doesn't matter how you feel, genetics are genetics. Can you surgically change your apparent gender? Yes. Does the actual genetic gender ever change? No. I am not trying to be harsh, but it is time we started dealing with reality.
Like the fiscal reality there are finite resources available to us in our nation and on our planet. There is also the historic evidence socialism does not work, capitalism does. You do not have to like it, but capitalism is much more efficient and does not curtail an individual's freedom. With a socialist form of government you will inevitably curtail an individual's freedom to ensure everyone is equally miserable. The state determines what is produced and how much, it is for the good of the state. If your freedom is compromised by the needs of the state that is just how it is.
I also find it incomprehensible anyone could be able to allow a child be born (no matter the circumstance), take a breath, and then be allowed to die. I cannot understand lawmakers unable to have the intestinal fortitude to enshrine the legal necessity to provide medical treatment to children which have actually been born and taken a breath. Those who do not provide the medical care necessary are murderers and I do mean murderers.
I also can no longer deal with our separating ourselves based upon the amount of melanin in our skin. We are individual human beings with individual tastes, morals, ethics, religious beliefs, goals, wants, needs and desires. Can some of those fall within the ethnic group we belong to? Sometimes. Can we also find like-minded individuals of other ethnic groups who have the same religious beliefs and other common ideas and outlooks? Yes. Why alienate anyone from your life who isn't just a terrible person? I have found I need all the help and different perspectives I can get. I cannot afford to alienate anyone except for those who are just people who would hamper the goals I have for my life and that has absolutely nothing to do with ethnicity.
We must get back to a realistic look at life. Feelings change minute by minute. Facts must be the primary basis of our decisions. We know socialism does not work. Capitalism does. Biology and genetics do not change. We should have learned by now that we should judge each other on the content of character and no other basis. Until we do, we will continue to have dysfunctional social interactions and expectations.