New Year Questions For Republicans
Well, as I am an independent I have some questions for Republicans. Why, having 2 years with majorities in Congress, did you not repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare), reform immigration law, and appropriate the necessary monies to build an appropriate border barrier? The President would have signed the legislation.
I have to be honest the House of Representatives did pass monies for the border barrier but the Senate just couldn't get the job done. It is funny the Republicans in the House can come together, but you have Republican Senators who can't seem to actually follow through on what got them elected. They forget what their platform was. They say it is because they are a more deliberative body: I just think they have no integrity. Former Senator Flake, Former Senator (now deceased) McCain, Senator Snow all forget what small government means and have an over inflated view of themselves. They forget they are to represent their constituents, not themselves.
Also, what is the rebellion within the party from a first term senator, hello Senator Romney of Utah, who has failed as a presidential candidate and seems to have no ideas beyond trying to stop whatever President Trump wishes to do though those who elected him seem to like what the President has done and wants to do. Senator Romney you not liking President Trump doesn't matter; but getting legislation passed does. Why not spearhead an effort in the Senate to find some type of compromise on immigration which can deal with the issues appropriately and fund the border wall. Walls work in Israel and other places. What say we try it? You have offered no solutions.
Senator Lindsay Graham is asking President Trump to open the government for 3 weeks for negotiations to fully fund the government and deal with the immigration issue. Why would the 3 weeks make any difference? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has stated she will block any attempt to fund a border barrier as she finds it immoral to force those wishing to enter our country to have to do it legally. The Democrat party members in the Congress have shown themselves to be without integrity with the way they went after Justice Kavanaugh during his nomination hearings to the way they have avoided dealing with immigration in a meaningful way throughout the President's first 2 years in office. They want it to remain an issue and find a way to allow illegal immigrants to vote as they see them as their votes.
What should clue Senator Graham into the Democrat's lack of integrity is there current campaign to impugn his integrity by hinting the Russians are trying to blackmail him as a closeted homosexual. This just furthers my distaste for the Democrat Party and their lack of integrity. It is an utterly disgusting thing to do to someone who has actively tried to work in a bipartisan manner up until the Democrats went after Justice Kavanaugh with fake charges he sexually assaulted women. This is the state of the current Democrat party and proves they cannot be a trusted legislative partner.