I have been thinking a lot lately about integrity and what it really means. I watch our society and the evolving world, the ongoing destruction of Christian religious denomination, the growing differences within the various different sects of Islam, the different ways of worshiping within Judaism, and in other faiths. Each diverged because someone didn’t agree with a current interpretation of the sacred text or they believed they had a new revelation of the word of their respective dieties.
I can’t speak to other faiths, I can only speak to my faith in Jesus Christ as the Savior of the World as taught by my the Christian faith. I believe the Bible is the living, inspired, inerrant, immutable Word of the Living, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient God. The Bible gives us the Words of Christ and, through inspiration, the very words of God. When followers become dissatisfied the Word no longer condones the behavior or role they wish to engage in, they rationalize away the very meaning of the words of the Bible which condemn the behavior or role of which they wish to be part.
The same is true for citizens and politicians of the United States who wish not to follow the Constitution of the United States as written; they wish to play semantics with the words or use an emotional argument because the text isn’t on their side. It is all very much lacking in integrity when they have been sworn to uphold the Constitution and new what it said before they swore they oath.
To change a law there is a process outlined within the Constitution to do what needs to be done to accomplish the task. Why must someone intentionally tell a lie to hid their own pride and arrogance? Why is the dissatisfied individual so special the rules do not apply to them. This attitude is what has led to the lawlessness we have now. It goes all the way up to the highest levels of government.
The Constitution is clear about who is allowed to vote; people who are not citizens can’t vote. Yet, we have people who want to change the rules to ensure they can ensure they can build themselves a politically indebted group of people and they do not care the damage they do to our foundational legal document by being untruthful or ignoring the true meaning of the document. When a senior politician or government official will sacrifice their integrity, their honor, for power our country is in grave difficulty.
We have to hold our leadership to higher standard, not a lower one. We have to hold ourselves to a higher standard and understand we get the government and leadership for which we vote.
As for me, my standard is the Word of God first then the Constitution. I attempt to live out the word everyday and to uphold the the oath I took as a Marine upon entering the service as a Marine never stops being a Marine. I cannot vote for a party which supports abortion or other things which are expressly and unambiguously against the teachings of God. I will not vote for a pastor of the Christian faith who actively votes for and campaigns things which are unambiguously against the Word of God; they do not believe in what they say they believe. They do not have the courage of their convictions.
I pray for these pastors who preach this compromised message as they are leading people of away from the true Word of God and the Word is very clear about those who preach a compromised Gospel and lead people from the Truth.