9 May 2021

One of the byproducts of socialism and communism is a need for control. To ensure you collect the production of those with the ability, you have to increase control over their production which ensures the authority in charge of redistributing the production gets that which it feels it is entitled. Think about this, control over what you produce is given over to an authority to ensure you get no more than your “fair share” of what you have produced. You don't have control over your own production any longer.

This control doesn't just extend to how much you produce, but also to how you produce it, how you get the materials and labor you need to produce whatever you are producing. If the authority feels a job is a right every citizen is entitled to, then you will not be allowed to automate to produce your product more efficiently as that will put another citizen out of work. Of course, to ensure you are following their guidelines the authority will have to institute an oversight capability which will increase your overhead to enable the authority to pay for the structure they create to oversee your production. This further decreases the pot available for you to pay your workers and yourself.

Imagine this across the link and breadth of every business in the country and then extrapolate that across society. It will have to invade every aspect of society to ensure there are workers trained to do the jobs the authority say are needed to keep the country functioning.

It will creep into what we hope is freedom of speech, because it will be in name only. If you disagree with their agenda it will no longer be a discussion or debate; rather, you will be attacked with ad hominem attacks, shouted down by plants in the crowd, or pushed to a “free speech zone” where no one will be able to hear or see you. Another way to shut you down is to appoint people who agree with them to the judiciary and then call the constitution a “living document”, which means it will mean whatever they say it does as opposed to what we know the written words mean. What was meant to be a contract in which we the people gave the governmental authority a limited amount of power, is totally remade without an amendment or discussion on its true meaning and the actual context in which those words were written.

Think about these words and where we are today.


12 May 2014


8 May 2014