Thoughts 6 June 2018

Dr. King spoke about letting a person be known by the content of their character, not the amount of melanin in their skin. Yet, everything we do politically divides by physical ability, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation or ethnicity. It is how at least one of the major political parties choose to market themselves. That particular political party cares little about character, as character is an individual condition, and all about catering to providing funding to ethnic, sexual identity and other groups compatible with their political agenda.

Character, or lack thereof, is THE major issue facing our country today. Our leaders in every sphere of our society are corrupt. They hardly put in hours leading and doing the people's business, yet act as aristocracy.

We have whole segments of our society which think it is okay to lie, steal, cheat, and ignore any law or rule inconvenient for them. Our popular culture places as exemplars those who achieve not through hard work; rather, those who can break those laws and rules.

Our Christian churches, as a Christian I can speak to this, are all about making people feel good about themselves and making the standard of achievement material gain. That isn't the purpose of the church. The purpose of the church is to be the light of the world by beaming the love of Christ to a lost and dieing world to win the lost to a saving relationship with Christ.

When this relationship with Christ is started the convert becomes a new creation. They are born again. They begin to change from the inside out and Godly character is formed. It doesn't matter what societal pigeon holes they have been placed in. God will do His work as the relationship is pursued and allowed to grow. It is being impatient with each other and the rate of our spiritual growth which leads to disunity and false doctrine.

Salvation of the lost should be the central message of the church; everything else follows from that singular starting point.


Thoughts 8 June 2018


Thoughts 1 June 2018